Polaris Sling Shot LED Light Kit
Light up your Polaris Sling Shot with a Boogey Lights® LED light kit!
Designed specifically for the POLARIS SLING SHOT R, this multi-color RGB LED light kit contains 237 super-bright full sized 5050 LEDs that will absolutely flood the front wheel wells and the area under the SLING SHOT with light. Of course you can dim it if you want. This light kit has groups of LEDs mounted in 28 different locations on the vehicle: front, rear, wheel wells and under-neath. You can control the LEDs and light up your Sling Shot with any of seven different pre-set colors and animate them with special effects using the included hand held wireless RF remote control. In addition, you can use your bluetooth enable smartphone to control the lighting system if you want. Bluetooth significantly expands the capabilities such that you can choose from over 16 million possible color combinations PLUS program your LEDs with a 2 or 3 sequence color rotation function as well as save favorite lighting effects in three different pre-sets. Simply put, we know of no other LED light kit on the market that comes even close to the product specs of this Boogey Lights Sling Shot LED light kit.
This is a 12vdc system that connects to the Sling Shot's battery. On full power white, total amperage draw is about 3amps. The amperage draw is significantly less when dimmed or using other colors. Installation time of this kit takes 8-10 hours to do the job correctly. You will likely need floor jacks get the bike high enough off the ground to install the under-glow light strips. More about the installation process and light strip locations can be found on the INSTALLATION tab.
GEN2 Bluetooth + RF Wireless LED Controller
Our GEN 2 Bluetooth + RF Combo LED Controller includes our popular Programmable Color Rotation Feature. With any of the Boogey Lights® BLUETOOTH controllers you can control your lights with your Bluetooth enabled Android or IOS smartphone. These high-tech controllers are capable of displaying 16 million different color combinations. In addition, lighting effects on the Smartphone controller are signficantly more controllable in terms of speed and intensity. Each color and lighting effect is controlled by "sliders" or a color square on your smartphone screen so you can adjust the speed and intensity to get the lighting exactly the way you want it. Also, all of our SERIES 2 Bluetooth Combo controllers include an RF remote control allowing for quick on/off of the controller. You can operate this controller with the included RF wireless remote OR you can use your Bluetooth enabled smartphone and our free smartphone APP (Android and IOS).
No two installation scenarios are the same. Not everyone shares the same installation quality goals. Some folks are OK with twisting wires together, others want to solder them. Some folks are OK with running wires where they may be seen or unprotected to save money/time, others want a tidy, clean install without any wires showing. Some folks are OK with mounting their LED strips to whatever surface they can find, others want to take the time necessary to build out appropriate mounting surfaces to provide the best lighting effect on their vehicle. The point is it's not possible to provide all the materials necessary for all installation scenarios and quality goals. Our light kits provide the essential components needed for a high-quality, functioning lighting system. Installation of our light kit to your specific vehicle may however require additional items to make it look and fit the way you want. This is particularly the case with electrical wiring and mounting of LED strips. Before proceeding with your installation we suggest you consider THESE OTHER ITEMS.
Installation of this led light kit takes 8 to 10 hours to do it properly. You can download the Installation Manual directly from our website to get an idea of what's involved.
There are 28 different mounting locations in this kit and all of the power leads need to be carefully run. Included in that number of mounting locations are two Heavy Duty LED strips mounted to the rear removable panel just under the back deck (and over the rear wheel) . Because this cover is removable, it will require quick-disconnects to be installed such that this rear panel can be easily removed for service without having to cut the power leads. We include the quick-disconnects and heat shrink in our lighting kit so you can make these connections. DIYers will need to be familiar with removing this rear piece from the bike. You will likely need floor jacks to get the bike high enough off the ground to install the under-glow light strips. The LED controller is mounted just under the hood in front of the driver's compartment. The battery is on the passenger's side of the car (under the hood) which requires extending the 12vdc power from the battery on the passenger's side to the LED controller on the driver's side. We add a 25amp fuse too at the battery.
The wiring on the Sling Shot for our light kit is segmented into 5 areas: under-hood left side front, under-hood right side front, left side front under-glow, right side front under-glow and rear. The power leads coming from the LEDs mounted in each of these areas come together in their respective locations. The hood has two sets of LED strips mounted to the bottom of the hood to illuminate the wheel well area: One set on the driver's side. One set on the passenger's side. The power leads for each of these drop down at the front and meet up with the lower underglow strips (using Quick Disconnects). For the driver's (left) side front (under hood strips + lower underglow strips), a feeder cable is run back on the frame (drivers side) and up to the LED controller just in front of the driver's compartment (under the hood). We do the same for the front passenger's power leads (under hood strips + lower underglow strips). For the rear LED strips, they all connect just in front of the swing arm where a feeder cable is then run up the driver's side and to the LED controller. Our installation manual includes more detail on all of this including photos of the suggested mounting locations for each strip. We do not however include detailed instructions on how to remove the rear plastic panel. We assume anyone attempting to install this light kit has the knowledge to do this already (or, is willing to figure it out on their own using any number of online sources).
Typical Placement
These are the LED placement locations we used for this kit. Nothing says you have to use this placement though. This placement will light the area under the front nose, both wheel wells, left and right side under-glow, the rear under-glow along with the swing arm. At the very rear of the vehicle the two Boogey Lights heavy duty led strips mounted to the rear plastic under the rear deck lights up the rear wheel area. We include some photos with comments of where these LEDs are located.
Under the Hood - Driver's Side Wheel Well
These LED strips are mounted to the hood on the bottom side. These strips are shining down; flooding the entire wheel area with light. You'll notice the hood of the Sling Shot is structurally built with 'triangles': front, middle and rear over the tire. We place our LED strips inside of these triangles. This will make more sense when you view the photo at the end of our installation manual.
- Front Triangle: 1 - 15 LED strip, 1 - 12 LED strip
- Middle Triangle: 1 - 6 LED strip
- Rear Trinagle: 1 - 6 LED strip, 1 - 9 LED strip
Under the Hood - Passenger's Side Wheel Well
The placement for the passenger's side under the hood strips are the same as the driver's side.
- Front Triangle: 1 - 15 LED strip, 1 - 12 LED strip
- Middle Triangle: 1 - 6 LED strip
- Rear Trinagle: 1 - 6 LED strip, 1 - 9 LED strip
Front Nose Under-Glow
We have a total of 6 LED strips under the front nose of the Sling Shot. There are 5 of them on the front nose shining down and 1 of them mounted behind the Polaris insignia. From left to right (looking at the front nose from underneath) the sequence is: 1 - 12 LED strip, 1 - 15 LED strip, 1 - 21 LED strip, 1 - 15 LED strip and 1 - 12 LED strip. For the Polaris sign lighting we use 1 - 30 LED strip.
Body Under-Glow
We light the main body under-glow with a total of 10 LED strips. The configuration is as follows:
- 2 - 18 LED strips under each front tire strut (one on each side).
- 2 - 42 LED strips under the metal frame (round support beam). One on each side.
- 2 - 54 LED strips under each side skirt. One on each side.
- 2 - 15 LED strips under each rear side skirt (just before the rear tire). One on each side.
- 2 - 12 LED strips mounted in each front wheel wheel, attached to the top frame and shining downward. One on each side.
Rear Under-Glow + Rear Deck Above Wheel
- 2 - Heavy Duty 30 LED strips mounted on the rear of the Sling Shot, just under the rear deck. These led strips are facing backward.
- 1 - 6 LED strip mounted to the swing arm facing inward toward the rear wheel
- 1 - 15 LED strip mounted to the bottom of the swiing arm facing downward.
- The LED controller is mounted in the front of the vehicle, under the hood just in front of the driver's compartment.
Here are some photos from our Installation Manual that show placement of the various LED strips.